Summer Term 1's Big Bangs


29th April 2024

Making Learning More Memorable


Hogwarts’ topic this term is based around the question “How can we limit climate change?” The class completed the 'Beat the Flood' challenge for their Big Bang. They designed, built and tested their own model houses. Their brief was to create strong, flood proof homes. The children will go on to learn about the differences between climate and weather, how climate change is measured and the impact of climate change in the environment.



Narnia’s Big Bang


This term’s enquiry question Narnia are investigating is “Where in the World is Caythorpe?”

For their Big Bang the class played a game called “The Race to the North Pole”. The children worked in groups to see who could be first to the North Pole, along their journey they had to collect passport stamps for every question they answered correctly.

Throughout the topic of learning, the children will be finding out about the hemispheres and the positions of and significance of the tropics of Cancer, Capricorn and the equator.